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Make Decisions

Sometimes, when I am in a state of indecision, I find myself turning to my audience for help. At first, this seems like the right thing to do. Even when it’s just a “Hey, what would you like to see more of?”

In my head, this seems perfectly fine. I suspect that there are a few of you out there reading this that know what I mean. That you want to know what people would like to see next from you. So you ask. But online, the projection of indecision can come across louder than curiosity. Indecision can then lead to the appearance of weakness.

This comes down to balance.Listening to feedback, and adapting to suggestions is certainly important. But learning when to ask, versus knowing when to make a statement, can massively impact your personal brand, as well as the level that people trust you.

I’ve learned the hard way, and although my recovery of brand trust will not be an easy path, I hope that I can help others establish a connection with their audience much earlier. Making decisions about your next move can help you in some of the following ways:

  1. Confidence and Authority: When a brand or individual makes a clear decision or statement, it conveys confidence and authority. It positions the communicator as an expert or a trusted source of information. Customers are often drawn to confident and knowledgeable voices in the online space.

  2. Clarity: Decisions provide clarity and direction. They leave less room for ambiguity and interpretation. Clear communication is essential in marketing to ensure that the message is easily understood by the target audience.

  3. Call to Action: Decisions can serve as a call to action. For instance, a statement like "Our new product is the best in the market" is more compelling than asking "Is our new product the best in the market?" The former encourages customers to take action, while the latter leaves them uncertain.

  4. Engagement: Decisions can drive engagement. When a brand makes a decision or takes a stance on an issue, it can spark discussions and debates among the audience. This engagement can be valuable for creating buzz and building a community around the brand.

Brand Identity: Making decisions helps shape and reinforce a brand's identity. Consistently making choices that align with the brand's values and mission can strengthen its identity and help it stand out in a crowded online landscape.

But if you do have to ask a question, feel free to shoot me an email! 🙂